Archive for the 'Page Rank' Category

PR Definitely Related to Topic

Monday, April 10th, 2006

Earlier in the year we reported that Page Rank may be influenced by the topic you’re writing about. In our minds this is almost certainly the case. Even though Goo Theory is only 4 months old, it has recently achieved a PR of 4. That’s right, PR 0 to 4 in just 4 months. And […]

PR10 Sites - Yes, They Do Exist

Friday, March 17th, 2006

You don’t come across them often, but sites with a PageRank of 10 certainly do exist..

Google Personalized Search

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

I was searching through my logs today saw a referrer link that brought a visitor to my page from Google. The interesting thing was when I clicked on the link to go to the Google search, I noticed a big yellow banner at the top, alerting me to the fact that Google is now providing a more personalized […]

Technorati ‘Most Authority’ System is Flawed

Friday, March 10th, 2006

I just realised today that Technorati’s blogfinder search by “Most Authority” is flawed. Why? Let’s do another Formula 1 test case (yes, you can see we love the F1 sites we run here! ).
Do a blogfinder search for Formula 1 in Technorati and sort by authority ( .What is the number one site? A […]

Maximum PR for your Topic and Keywords

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

You’ve just finished making the hottest site on a niche topic - let’s say - paper clip and staple sculptures. You promote your site to the max, get hundreds of linkbacks. You have massive traffic and after a year expect to have reached PR10. Your site is now the biggest and best for its topic - it […]

Google Toolbar to Combat Scraper Sites

Tuesday, February 14th, 2006

A few weeks ago I downloaded Google Toolbar Version 4. 2 new features struck me:

The toolbar can store your bookmarks if you have a Google Account.
The toolbar has a type of predictive input (or autocomplete), so that when you type part of a keyphrase it will automatically suggest similar searches that have been conducted in […]

Can Bandwidth Thieves Increase Your PR?

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

Recently an image used on one of our sites was linked to in a popular forum. When I say linked, I mean the picture was put in someone’s post and it was feeding off our server (ie. hotlinking). Sure, we could put in some hotlink protection, but I thought it would be a good opportunity […]