Archive for March, 2006

Most E-Books Suck

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Found 2 great quotes on the Digital Point Forums today that sum up my view on most E-Books:

There’s a sucker born every minute, and they all want e-books. - Troutnut
Which is really weird, because eBooks tend to be more expensive than printed books — and harder to read. - Will.Spencer

PR10 Sites - Yes, They Do Exist

Friday, March 17th, 2006

You don’t come across them often, but sites with a PageRank of 10 certainly do exist..

Google Personalized Search

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

I was searching through my logs today saw a referrer link that brought a visitor to my page from Google. The interesting thing was when I clicked on the link to go to the Google search, I noticed a big yellow banner at the top, alerting me to the fact that Google is now providing a more personalized […]

Technorati ‘Most Authority’ System is Flawed

Friday, March 10th, 2006

I just realised today that Technorati’s blogfinder search by “Most Authority” is flawed. Why? Let’s do another Formula 1 test case (yes, you can see we love the F1 sites we run here! ).
Do a blogfinder search for Formula 1 in Technorati and sort by authority ( .What is the number one site? A […]

Post Often for Technorati Traffic

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

It seems that one secret to getting a lot of traffic from Technorati and other blog directories is to not post your content all at once. Instead, spread your posts out during the day. Even better, you can experiment with what posting times bring you the most traffic from blog directories.
The logic behind this is […]

Origami Project - Microsoft’s Portable PC

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

Tomorrow Microsoft will reveal a new tablet PC to the world which they refer to as an Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC). Dubbed the Origami Project, it is a joint effort between Microsoft, Intel and various other manufacturers. There has been a large teaser campaign going on for the past few weeks with the Origami Project web site […]

Maximum PR for your Topic and Keywords

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

You’ve just finished making the hottest site on a niche topic - let’s say - paper clip and staple sculptures. You promote your site to the max, get hundreds of linkbacks. You have massive traffic and after a year expect to have reached PR10. Your site is now the biggest and best for its topic - it […]

Trade Me Sells for $670 Million

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

The Fairfax publishing group continued the trend of Australia media companies pushing to acquire more of the web this week by purchasing New Zealand’s equivalent of eBay - Trade Me. eBay is present in NZ, but it doesn’t have the penetration that Trade Me has.
The sale of Trade Me netted it’s investors a cool $670 million. […]

Should You Use .biz Domain Names?

Sunday, March 5th, 2006

I was just reading a forum where someone stated .biz domains look unprofessional. I totally agree.
A counter argument was raised stating .biz has that reputation because it came after .com. I totally disagree.
Other tld names, IMHO, don’t have as bad a reputation as .biz domains. I believe the reason for this is because .biz domains […]

The Hotmail Story

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

Sabeer Bhatia, the creator of Hotmail, was interviewed in 2004 on Triple J. You can hear the interview here:
It’s really worth a listen. I particularly love the part where Sabeer rejected a $140 million offer, then rejected a $350 million offer from Microsoft, and eventually pushed Bill Gates to $400 million.