Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Adsense API

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

When I first read the title Introducing the Adsense API beta I got quite excited.. Until I realised exactly what the API is for and who it’s targeted at.
The key part to read is:
We’ve started taking applications from people whose sites receive a minimum of 100,000 daily page views. To be eligible, your site must […]

Easy Spell Checking

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

You’d think all web-based interfaces today would have built-in spell-checkers. I’m sure you’ve been to forums or used CMSs with mods that let you spell check. Unfortunately the majority of web sites don’t have this functionality.
What to do? Download the Google Toolbar. It includes a great feature - a spell checker for any form you’re […]

Technorati ‘Most Authority’ System is Flawed

Friday, March 10th, 2006

I just realised today that Technorati’s blogfinder search by “Most Authority” is flawed. Why? Let’s do another Formula 1 test case (yes, you can see we love the F1 sites we run here! ).
Do a blogfinder search for Formula 1 in Technorati and sort by authority ( .What is the number one site? A […]

Post Often for Technorati Traffic

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

It seems that one secret to getting a lot of traffic from Technorati and other blog directories is to not post your content all at once. Instead, spread your posts out during the day. Even better, you can experiment with what posting times bring you the most traffic from blog directories.
The logic behind this is […]

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