Archive for the 'Google' Category

Ringtone Sites Drop in Popularity

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

Ringtones were once the big thing when it came to making money online. I think part of this popularity was due to non-techy people not knowing how to send files via infrared to their phones, and also because it was hard to work with the old midi/polyphonic ringtones.
Enter MP3. Most phones released today have MP3 […]

Google Checkout Launched

Friday, June 30th, 2006

Google Checkout was released to the public earlier today. Google Checkout is basically Google’s equivalent of Paypal. In Google’s own words:
For merchants, Google Checkout is a new way to process sales. It works with Google AdWords to make it easy for shoppers to find you and buy from you.
You can get a quick summary of […]

Google Video Ads

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

According to the Inside Adwords blog, Google are soon going to give Adwords advertisers the ability to show video ads on the Google content network. This is a fantastic development for both Adwords and Adsense users.
Site visitors are becoming all too used to text and images ads - to the point where they instinctively ignore […]

Google Australia Opens Sydney R&D Office

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Google launched their Australian Sales & Engineering Office in Sydney today. Located on Sussex Street, the new office will act as an English-speaking portal to the Asian web market.
Kate Vale is Google Australia’s head of sales and operations. Four years ago Google Australia was operating from Kate’s dining table. 3 months later she had employed 3 staff, […]

PR Definitely Related to Topic

Monday, April 10th, 2006

Earlier in the year we reported that Page Rank may be influenced by the topic you’re writing about. In our minds this is almost certainly the case. Even though Goo Theory is only 4 months old, it has recently achieved a PR of 4. That’s right, PR 0 to 4 in just 4 months. And […]

PR10 Sites - Yes, They Do Exist

Friday, March 17th, 2006

You don’t come across them often, but sites with a PageRank of 10 certainly do exist..

Google Personalized Search

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

I was searching through my logs today saw a referrer link that brought a visitor to my page from Google. The interesting thing was when I clicked on the link to go to the Google search, I noticed a big yellow banner at the top, alerting me to the fact that Google is now providing a more personalized […]

Maximum PR for your Topic and Keywords

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

You’ve just finished making the hottest site on a niche topic - let’s say - paper clip and staple sculptures. You promote your site to the max, get hundreds of linkbacks. You have massive traffic and after a year expect to have reached PR10. Your site is now the biggest and best for its topic - it […]


Friday, February 24th, 2006

I was doing a search today on SEO related stuff and didn’t realise Google developed a technology called PigeonRank. They introduced it way back in April 2002 and I only stumbled across it today…

Google Toolbar to Combat Scraper Sites

Tuesday, February 14th, 2006

A few weeks ago I downloaded Google Toolbar Version 4. 2 new features struck me:

The toolbar can store your bookmarks if you have a Google Account.
The toolbar has a type of predictive input (or autocomplete), so that when you type part of a keyphrase it will automatically suggest similar searches that have been conducted in […]